Buildings serve our purpose of physical proximity, or structure, and to some - a (potentially safe) place to go to, which is out of the house. Have physical premises to schools is very important, but I would say - should be thought of flexibly. More precisely, I would suggest that schools building should be associated with learning and social interaction (that is so core to learning), but not the other way around! i.e., learning and social interaction should take place, well-planned, and evaluated in and out of buildings.
Either due to COVID, but also in 'peace times', we do not stop learning just because we set our foot out of school. Learning is a continues experience, in school, at home, in the park and everything in between. Learning should be designed to use everything a building can offer, but also everything the laptop at home, the tranquility in the park, meeting with friends, cooking or anything at all!
I wanted to add, our team love to write about reimagining Education, so if there is any thought leadership that you would be interested in please do let us know
Hi @clare
Just wanting to reach out by way of introduction to our online school, Sophia High School. We are the only full time online school in the UK to offer live interactive lessons with our Master Teachers in tiny learning pods of no more than 6 students for the core subjects which are timetabled daily, for children from Year 1 through to Year 9. We are a member with the Council of International Schools and were one of four online schools working with the DfE and Ofsted on their pilot accreditation program with Ofsted.
Check us out at
Would love to have a chat about what we do and of course if we could be added to your list that would be fab!
@Jo Symes might you be able to add Minerva Virtual Academy enrolling in Years 9 and 10 - we have some great testimonials from the parents and pupils we have been helping.
I'm collating a list of online schools on my website here: Perhaps not a permanent or full-time solution for everyone but they can useful when used in combination with other approaches to education, or for those who have difficulty accessing conventional school.
As a student, I value the school building and have become so comfortable and familiar with associating the physical building as the only place effective learning. With Covid-19 and quickly having to adjust to home learning... this shifted my mindset. I have had to self isolate a few times already this year and digital learning has been the ‘norm’. I will always prefer going to school and waiting up and being in that routine. but maybe, education can have multiple location that aren’t particularly our current school buildings nor our homes.
Agree @Carmel Kent. Would love to see buildings that are more community hub than school, and a broader recognition that learning happens everywhere. We need to change the narrative that if children are not present in a school building, then they will lose out on learning and consequently life chances later on. It can't all come down to 'bums on seats' in a physical school building.