We hope this website will generate a wider conversation amongst all those advocating for change. Alongside this, we will host live events and post the conversations here. If you subscribe to the site or sign up as a member to comment in the forums, we'll also notify you of upcoming events.
Part One: Introductions
Part 1 - Introductions
School Differently started with a meeting between 14 individuals from the Square Peg & Independent Thinking networks on 27 May 2020. Participants intentionally spanned different disciplines, as well as both academia and practice. All those involved were in some way advocating for change. They introduce themselves here.
Part One: Conversation
Part 1 - Conversations
The first meeting on 27 May 2020 has been divided into two recordings: Introductions & Conversation. In this Conversation we start to explore the questions on the website forum. This is continued in Part Two (17 June 2020).
Part Two: Conversation
Video Channel Name
The second meeting on 17 June 2020 continues on from the first Conversation. We also explore one way of expressing the move from a very rigid, fixed system which doesn't work for so many children, to a new framework which is more fluid, flexible and inclusive.