This is where you'll find the various initiatives we're working on. Ideas come from the conversations and can involve collaborations between any of the site members. If you have any suggestions, get in touch!
Square Pegs Book

We're planning a book to help school leaders who want to do the right thing by those children and young people who don't 'fit' the system – the Square Pegs – but who face conflicting agenda and impossible decisions on a daily basis. The idea is to bring together an eclectic mix of contributors across 18 chapters on everything from legal ramifications to taking inspiration from models of youthwork. You can see the outline of the book here. We're currently looking for contributors, so if that's you, please get in touch.
Awards Programme

Let's lift up those great examples of schools, school leaders, thought-leaders, authors and anyone else who walks our talk. Our proposed awards programme will celebrate those individuals, programmes and environments that align with our five premises and showcase them to a wider audience. We'll define some broad categories, invite nominations and put together a judging panel from across our networks. We'll be looking for sponsors too. Read more about the proposed programme here.
More conversations

We'll continue to host conversations to explore the different ways we can instigate change. It's important that we don't just TALK; we need concrete plans for how we can influence change. There is a groundswell amongst young people, parents and educators. We now need to harness that energy and turn it into tangible action, together.